I have watched the ritualistic, dressed in black, leave the homes of their unreconciled lives of verbal abuse, quarrelling, blasphemy, greed and cigarette smoke, to sit uncomfortably in church listening to a softly spoken hypocrite and his coffin-led sermon.

I have seen self-exalted priests in outlandish dress and mock humility tailor their sermons for hypocrites, concealing their true identity and shutting up the Kingdom of God before men. (Matt 23:13). I have seen them christen oblivious babies, in the sure knowledge that it will preclude their seeking genuine adult baptism and true knowledge of God by faith in The Christ.

I have seen these revered "whitewashed graves" setting themselves apart from the masses with their death-dealing sermons, delivered in Gothic monstrosities, actually blessing uniformed men and their weaponry, that they might kill their fellow man     while their foreign counterparts do exactly the same. I have seen these whitewashed graves live in shameless luxury, while speaking condescendingly of the poor.  (Matt 23:27,28).

I have heard these trinitarian antichrists claiming the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one God;  thereby teaching that God anointed Himself with Holy Spirit and said to Himself:  "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I  have approved"! (Matt 3:16,17). What nonsense! I have heard them proclaim the virgin Mary the mother of God!  But if that were true, who would be Mary's God?

I have seen but few true Christians obeying The Christ as Lord of the Sabbath, doing so every day, whether inside or outside of their homes, and in accordance with the Divine Will.

